Saturday, February 2, 2013

Legs 2,3 & 4 of the Travel Itinerary

So, when we initially planned this adventure, we were all like "Dude, lets just go where the wind takes us" and "Sweet, we'll make it up as we go" and "Badges?  We don't need no stinking badges."

Then, we met Air Asia.  Air Asia is a Southeast Asian regional airline based primarily out of Kuala Lumpur.  And they LOVE sales.  In most cases, by catching the sale price for the flight, it is cheaper to fly than to take the overland transportation.  Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, for instance.  The bus from KL to Singapore takes a few hours and runs around $25.  Good deal, right?  The flight lasts 20 minutes and is $19.  We found deals galore, and I couldn't help but jump at them.  We still have some great free flowing time areas, but we had to plan ahead to get the best deals on flights.  In the end, this will hopefully alleviate some of the stress of the border crossings and worrying about what our next step transportation-wise will be.  SE Asia has an incredible train system running from Singapore in the south to Hanoi and into China in the Northeast and Chiang Mai in the Northwest, so I can see us using that quite a bit during the later parts of our travels.  We still don't have anything planned through the Malay Peninsula and that is all right along the train.  Future posts, perhaps?  And there's always Kuching.  Malaysian Borneo is such the place to be right now.

Current Itinerary Starting from the Beginning:
Sabang and El Nido, Palawan Province, Philippines - 2/6-2/18
Couple of nights in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just for kicks - 2/18-2/20
Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, Cambodia - 2/20-3/18
Bali, Indonesia - 3/18-3/26
Singapore - 3/26-4/1
Chiang Mai, Thailand - 4/1-5/1
Overland Route from Northern Thailand into and through Laos to Hanoi, Vietnam 5/1-5/20ish

From there, who knows?  We've been luring friends and family to come join us and with any luck we will connect!

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