Thursday, March 28, 2013

Eight Weeks In by the Numbers

Hello all,

I like to do these summary posts at milestone numbers.  This is the literary equivalent of a montage show.  In addition to all the random meanderings that we'll be getting to shortly, I would like to give a glimpse into the creative process of this blog.

1.  We go places.
2.  We run around on stuff, Molly takes pictures of temples and scenery, I take pictures of random feet, sky, sideways stuff and sculpture butts.
3.  We go somewhere else.
4.  Sometime along the way, we find the perfect conjunction of WiFi, time, inclination and sugar.
5.  Molly edits and loads pictures.  I go OCD and try to fit them all on the screen screaming "Jenga!"
6.  I grace the page with my idiotic rhetoric.
7.  Molly proofreads and adds her own writings.
8.  I do a final proofread, add pictures of sculpture butts, and post before she can remove my pics.
9.  Molly reads the post, sighs, and copes.

And that, in a nutshell, is how the magic happens.  Now to the meat and potatoes.

Most inappropriate songs for a location:
"Area Code" by Ludacris - Angkor Wat
"Holiday in Cambodia" covered by Richard Cheese - Anywhere in Cambodia

Most appropriate songs for a location:
"Area Code" by Ludacris - Sihanoukville
"The Banana Boat Song" by Harry Belafonte - Bali

Number of times sunburned: 2 - Both Greg

Number of nasty bug bites: Dozens - Molly

Amount of time spent spearfishing:  3.5 Hours
Number of big fish seen:  5
Number of big fish shot at:  3
Number of big fish killed:  0

Number of Airports visited:  11
Number of hours spent in airports:  A LOT
Number of hours spent sleeping on floors and benches in airports:  18 Hours
Number of times Greg or his bag has been searched at the airport: 6
Number of times Molly or her bag have been searched at the airport:  1
Number of Jeepney rides: 4
Number of Bus Rides:  3
Number of Van Rides:  5

Number of islands visited:  5
Number of Countries visited:  6
Number of Cities visited:  10
Number of Hostels stayed at:  12
Bugs in Bed killed: Dozens
Bedbugs killed: 8

Giant spiders observed:  6
Giant spider murder attempts:  4
Giant spiders killed:  2
Number of monkeys seen: 12-15
Number of elephants seen:  4

Number of books read by Greg:  60+
Items shipped back to the US:  Gifts, Souvenirs, Greg's Boots (Post Angkor Wat), Random Shirt
Items discarded along the way:  T-Shirt (Destroyed in a tank top conversion), socks

Number of stamps in the passport:  12

Places we'd live if given the chance:  Kuala Lumpur, Phnom Penh, Bali, Sihanoukville (for a bit)

I am not much of a numbers gal, but here's some of my flow...  Overall, traveling to SE Asia has exceeded all my expectations.  It is gorgeous, with a deep rich history that you can dive into on a tourist level.  Meaning in order to really scratch the surface we would need to spend much more time in each place.  It is difficult to really appreciate without more digging and being a tourist definitely has its limitations.  You can only see what is in the brochure but I really learn more when we take our time.  This does not allot us time to see everything, but we can appreciate where we are just a little bit more.  While living on Maui, I came across some tourists very dissatisfied with "their vacation".  They wanted everything to revolve around their agendas and any diversion would sour their experience.  I am trying a much softer approach with only a vague itinerary.  I want things to happen.  I am open to positive experiences on a grander scale.  I have learned and will continue to employ this approach throughout my life.

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